2017_Spring EV課程-Newsroom for Grade 3

Newsroom for Grade 3


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to use common weather vocabulary.
  • SWBAT learn how to talk about the newscast.
  • SWBAT learn how to create a script for a weather newscast.
  • SWBAT learn how to role-play the anchor/ weatherman/weatherwoman/reporter.


weather, weatherman, cold, hot, cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, degrees, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, weekend.


Sentence patterns or dialogue:


Weatherman 1 (W1)   Weatherman 2 (W2)

W1 Welcome to the weather report. I’m _(name)_ and this is _(name)_.
W2 On Monday, it will be 30 degrees, sunny and hot .
W1 On Wednesday, it will be 25 degreeswindy and cold.
W2 On the weekend, it will be 10 degreesrainy and cold.
W1 &2 Thank you for watching. Goodbye!



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圖像裡可能有2 個人、大家站著





圖像裡可能有4 個人、大家站著

圖像裡可能有4 個人、大家站著



好一個afternoon tea time!!



2016_Fall EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 6

2016_Spring EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 6

Supermarket Lesson Plan for Grade 6


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to recognize products in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to be a cashier/customer in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to use a dialogue to check out in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to create a shopping list and buy them in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to perform what they choose from the supermarket for a theme party.
  • SWBAT learn how to know what currency will be used in the target countries.



supermarket , aisle, shopping list, money, cashier, customer, basket, check out, checkout counter

cash, credit card, event, budget, receipt. currency.


Sentence patterns or dialogue:

(Check Out): Cashier, Customer


Customer: What’s on sale today? I will have an afternoon tea /a barbeque /a picnic.

Cashier: The_______ in _______ aisle are on sale. Do you want to buy them?

Customer: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Cashier: It’s 200 dollars. Do you want to pay by cash or credit card?

Customer: I want to pay by cash / credit card. Here you are.

Cashier: Here is your receipt.

Customer: Thank you.


Day 2 Travel Agent presentation.

We choose_______________ (country) for our customers to go.

In __________________(country), they celebrate (Canada day/ Chinese New Year/ Day of Hajj) with ________________(who).

They always eat __________________________________ (food/drink) on this special day. The supermarket will have everything they need. Thank you for listening!

(Canada day, barbecues, cola or beer. / Chinese New Year, rice cake, sweet rice balls and juice./ Day of Hajj ,some meat and water.)



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2016__Fall EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 5

2016_Spring EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 5

Supermarket Lesson Plan for Grade 5


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to recognize products in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to be a Cashier/customer in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to use a dialogue to check out in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to create a shopping list and buy them in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to perform what they choose from the supermarket for a theme party.





supermarket, aisle, shopping list, money, customer, basket, check out, checkout counter

cashier , cash, credit card ,on sale, event.


Sentence patterns or dialogue:

(Check Out): Cashier, Customer


Customer: What’s on sale today?

Cashier: The_______ in the vegetable aisle and _________in the bakery aisle are on sale.

Do you want to buy them?

Customer: Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Cashier: Are you ready to check out?

Customer: Yes, I am.

Cashier: What is in your basket?

Customer: I have _______, ________and __________.

Cashier: It’s 200 dollars. Do you want to pay by cash or credit card?

Customer: I want to pay by cash / credit card. Here you are.

Cashier: Thank you.


Day 2

Good morning/ afternoon, everyone!

We are group _(1/2/3/4)_.

We choose )______ (country) for our customers to go.

In _(country)_, they celebrate ______ (event/theme) with _(who)_.

They always eat _________(food or drink) on this special day.

The supermarket will have everything they need.

Thank you for listening!


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2016__Fall EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 4

2016_Spring EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 4

Supermarket Lesson Plan for Grade 4


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to recognize products in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to be a clerk/customer in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to use a dialogue to check out in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to create a shopping list and buy them in a supermarket.



supermarket, aisle, shopping list, money, clerk, customer, basket, check out, checkout counter

cash, credit card


Sentence patterns or dialogue:

(Check Out): Clerk (Cl)  Customer (Cu)


Clerk: Are you ready to check out?

Customer: Yes, I am.

Clerk: What’s in your basket?

Customer: I have _______________and __________.

Clerk: It’s ten dollars. Do you want to pay by cash or credit card?

Customer: I want to pay by _______.  Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you.

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2016__Fall EV課程-Supermarket for Grade 3

Supermarket Lesson Plan for Grade3


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to recognize products in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to be a clerk/customer in a supermarket.
  • SWBAT learn how to use a dialogue to check out in a supermarket.



supermarket, aisle, shopping list, money, clerk, customer, basket, check out, checkout counter


Sentence patterns or dialogue:

(Check Out): Clerk (Cl)  Customer (Cu)


Clerk: Are you ready to check out?

Customer: Yes, I am.

Clerk: What’s in your basket?

Customer: I have _______________and __________.

Clerk: It’s ten dollars.

Customer: Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you.

Time Allotted:

80 minutes


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stationery (n.) 文具

stationery (n.) 文具

stationery 這個字主要指的是書寫用具,例如筆、修正用具、紙張等。辦公室常見的文具用品,可以稱為 office supplies

*注意:有另一個字和 stationery 長得很像,就是 stationary,意思是「靜止的、穩定的」。這兩個字只差了一個字母,小心不要弄錯囉!


pencil 鉛筆
mechanical pencil(美式)/ propelling pencil(英式)自動鉛筆
ballpoint 原子筆(圓珠筆)
highlighter 螢光筆
marker 麥克筆 / white board marker 白板筆
fountain pen 鋼筆
crayon 蠟筆
colored pencil (pencil crayon) 色鉛筆
color pen 彩色筆

I found that people in the US use pencils more often than mechanical pencils.


eraser(美式) / rubber(英式)橡皮擦
correction fluid / white-out 修正液;立可白
correction tape 立可帶


ruler 直尺
set square / triangle 三角板
protractor 量角器
compass (pair of compasses) 圓規

You can draw a right angle easily with a set square.


Scotch tape(美式) / Sellotape(英式) 透明膠帶(兩者皆為品牌名)
magic tape 隱形膠帶(白色霧面、不會反光的那種膠帶)
tape dispenser 膠台
glue 膠水
glue stick 口紅膠

I prefer using glue stick to glue; glue makes everything wet and sticky.


stapler 釘書機 / staples 釘書針
pushpin 圖釘
thumbtack(美式)/ drawing pin(英式)圖釘(頂端為圓扁形的那種)
paper clip 迴紋針
binder clip / foldback clip 長尾夾;燕尾夾

We used some pushpins to hold the poster onto the wall.


scissors 剪刀
box cutter 美工刀
paper cutter 裁紙器


pencil sharpener 削鉛筆器
lead / pencil lead 筆芯(發音為 /lɛd/,意思是「鉛」)
hole puncher 打洞器
Post-it 便利貼(品牌名稱)




Rhythm of the Rain




Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know
That when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

Rain please tell me now does that seem fair
For her to steal my heart away when she don’t care
I can’t love another when my hearts somewhere far away

The only girl I care about has gone away
Looking for a brand new start
But little does she know that when she left that day
Along with her she took my heart

Rain won’t you tell her that I love her so
Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow
Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain
Telling me just what a fool I’ve been
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain
And let me be alone again

Oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the falling rain
Pitter pater, pitter pater






