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2014_英語情境中心的課程-Restaurant for Grade 4

英語情境中心的課程-Restaurant for Grade 4

Here is my lesson for scenario of restaurant:


  • Words that Ss already know:

Sizes:        Small, medium, large

Drinks:        Coke, juice,

Food:           Hamburger, cake, ice cream, fish, pizza

Extra words:  waiter, waitress, menu, apron


  • New Words:

dollars, a table for (number), Table (number) ,



Sentence patterns or dialogue:

Waiter/Waitress (W)  Customer (C)


C:     I need a table for (number1~4) .

W:   O.K. Table (number) ,please.

W: What would you like?

C:     I would like food and a size drink, please.

C:  How much is it?

W:   It is amount dollars.

C:     Here you are.

W:   Thank you!  Enjoy your food.


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