2017_Spring EV課程-Newsroom for Grade 3

Newsroom for Grade 3


Objectives: Students Will Be Able To (SWBAT)……

  • SWBAT learn how to use common weather vocabulary.
  • SWBAT learn how to talk about the newscast.
  • SWBAT learn how to create a script for a weather newscast.
  • SWBAT learn how to role-play the anchor/ weatherman/weatherwoman/reporter.


weather, weatherman, cold, hot, cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, degrees, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, weekend.


Sentence patterns or dialogue:


Weatherman 1 (W1)   Weatherman 2 (W2)

W1 Welcome to the weather report. I’m _(name)_ and this is _(name)_.
W2 On Monday, it will be 30 degrees, sunny and hot .
W1 On Wednesday, it will be 25 degreeswindy and cold.
W2 On the weekend, it will be 10 degreesrainy and cold.
W1 &2 Thank you for watching. Goodbye!



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