1.中央伍為準 Center hands up
2.向中看齊 Eyes Center
3.向前看 Eyes front
4.向右看 Eyes right
5.向左看 Eyes left
6.看齊 Dress
7.立正 Halt (Attention)
8.向右轉 Turn right
9.向左轉 Turn left
18.解散 Dismiss
10. 排隊 Line up (Fall in)
12.看齊 Dress (橫排)
1 3.報數 Count off
14.點名 Roll call
15.靠攏 Close
16.散開 Extend
17.歸隊 Join
19.集合 Muster
20.對齊 A line (直排 )
21.立正(注意) attention 22.稍息 At ease
23.報告完畢 It’s over. (That’s all)
1. The ceremony begins. 升旗典禮開始
2. Stand at attention. 全體肅立
3. Chairman please. 主席就位
4. Sing national anthem. 唱國歌
5. Flag hoisting salute. 升旗敬禮
6.Hoist the flag. 升旗
7.At ease. 稍息
8. Work report. 工作報告
導師室 Homeroom Teacher Office
教務處 The Office of Academic Affairs
教學組 The Curriculum Section
註冊組 The Register Section
設備組 The Equipment Section
訓導處 The Office of Student Affairs
訓育組 Activity Section
生活輔導組 Behavior Section
衛生組 Sanitary Section
體育組 P.E. Section
輔導室 The Office of Counselors
總務處 The Office of General Affairs
出納組 The Cashier’s Section
會計室 The Accounting Office
人事室 The Personnel Office
健康中心 The Health Center
圖書館 Library
●股長補充用語 (Leaders Announcement)
班長 Classroom leader
副班長 Vice leader
風紀股長 Discipline leader
輔導股長 Assistant counselor
衛生股長 Cleaning leader
學藝股長 Classroom decorator
體育股長 Athletic leader
總務股長 Classroom treasurer
New Year’s Day Jan.1 新年
Chinese New Year’s Eve The last day of the last lunar month 農曆除夕
Chinese New Year The first day of the first month 春節
Lantern Festival The 15th day of the first month 元宵節
Valentine’s Day Feb.14 西洋情人節
Youth Day Mar.29 青年節
Easter A Sunday between Mar.22 and Apr.25 復活節
April Fool’s Day Apr.1 愚人節
Tomb Sweeping Day April.5 清明節
Dragon Boat Festival The 5th day of the fifth lunar month 端午節
Chinese Lover’s Day The 7th day of the seventh lunar month 七夕情人節
Ghosts’ Day The 15th day of the seventh lunar month 中元節
Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival) The 15th day of the eighth lunar month中秋節
Teacher’s Day Sep.28 教師節
Double Tenth Day Oct.10 雙十國慶日
Taiwan Restoration Day Oct.25 臺灣光復節
Halloween Oct.31 萬聖節
Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Birthday Nov.12 國父誕辰
Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday of Nov. 感恩節
Christmas Eve Dec.24 聖誕夜
Constitution Day (Christmas) Dec.25 行憲紀念日(聖誕節)
一、語文領域(Language):國文Chinese 英文English
三自然與生活科技領域(Science and Technology):
生物Biology 理化Physics & Chemistry
地球科學Globe Science 生活科技Everyday Technology
五藝術與人文領域(Arts and Humanities):
音樂Music美術Arts鄉土藝術Native Cultural Activities
六健康與體育領域(Health and Physical Education):
健康教育Health Education體育Physical Education
七綜合活動(Integrated Activities):
輔導活動Counseling童軍Scout Training家政Home Economics
社團活動Extra Curricular自習Self-study